Creating High Availability Architecture with AWS CLI

Alokik Kanchan
4 min readMar 20, 2021

In this article, I will be telling about how I created a High Availability Architecture using AWS CLI.

To understand it better you should have little knowledge about AWS. In this architecture I have the done the following:

  1. Webserver configured on EC2 Instance
  2. Document Root(/var/www/html) made
    persistent by mounting on EBS Block Device.
  3. Static objects used in code such as
    pictures stored in S3
  4. Setting up Content Delivery Network using
    CloudFront and using the origin domain as S3 bucket.
  5. Finally place the Cloud Front URL on the
    webapp code for security and low latency.

Let’s dive into the Steps:

Before that, I have launched a pre-created instance through the cli. This instance have the Public-IP : “”.

I have then entered inside the instance:

Now let’s start the steps:

  1. Web-server configured on EC2 Instance.

For this, The Web-server I have chosen is Apache Web-server. We installed the Apache Web-server through the command: “yum install httpd -y”.

The Document Root of Apache Web-server is located at “/var/www/html”. We have to make this persistent so that if we re-launch the instance our website content is safe.

2. Document Root(/var/www/html) made persistent by mounting on EBS Block Device.

At first we have no content in the “/var/www/html” folder.

Now we attached the EBS Volume to the Instance and mount that volume to the “/var/www/html” folder. After mounting the EBS Volume to the “/var/www/html” folder and we have some data available.

3. Static objects used in code such as pictures stored in S3.

After attaching the EBS Volume, we have to create a S3 Bucket where we store our static files or images. Before writing the command and executing it, the S3 Bucket is empty.

After writing the command : “aws s3 mb s3://clibucket12” and executing it, we have the S3 Bucket created.

After creating the S3 Bucket, I uploaded the local image in the bucket through the command : “aws s3 cp 1.jpg s3://clibucket12/1.jpg” .

We have our image in the S3 Bucket.

4. Setting up Content Delivery Network using
CloudFront and using the origin domain as S3 bucket.

Now we create a CloudFront Distribution with origin name set to S3 Bucket. The command to do is this : “aws cloudfront — origin-domain-name” .

After the command we can check through the GUI also that CloudFront with S3 Origin has been created.

After that I updated the source of the image in the Apache Web-server to the domain name and we can see the site.

Thank you for reading.

